A judgment lien is created when someone wins a lawsuit against you and then records the judgment against your property. Liens give creditors the right to take possession of a debtor’s real property if the debtor fails to fulfill contractual obligations. Whether it’s an individual or small business, judgment liens against personal property, real estate or vehicle can be created.
Just because you have managed to obtain a judgment lien on real property, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to get paid. We know the frustration that many creditors feel when they have taken the debt to court, been successful in obtaining a judgment lien, but then have not been able to successfully obtain the money. If you’re in this sort of situation, why not let us buy your judgment on real property
Mayflower Judgments – We Purchase in Cash With as Little as 48 Hours!
When you turn to us for assistance, you won’t have to wait long for your cash to become available. Once you have gotten in touch to let us know that you want to sell a judgment or lien, one of our seasoned evaluators will do a thorough examined. They will get in touch to give you a FREE, no-obligation price quote. If you decide to go ahead and accept the quote, the money could be with you in as little as 48 hours!
Judgment Lien on Real Property Purchase Options
Mayflower Judgments buy judgments on real property. If you have a judgment on real property but haven’t seen a cent of what you’re owed, we may be able to buy the judgment from you, giving you cash you need right now.
Judgment or Lien on Real Property? Turn to Mayflower Judgments
Because we specialize in judgment purchasing, we have an excellent understanding of the problems that arise when trying to collect on your judgment. If you are tired on waiting to collect on your lien or judgment, here is an easy solution for you. To find out more about what we can offer, or to request an appointment with one of our evaluators to see if your lien or judgment will qualify, call us at (303) 388-6666.